Classic Apple Pie Cut – Pizza Cutting Machine – Cheersonic

Classic Apple Pie Cut

Classic Apple Pie Cut – Pizza Cutting Machine  Cheersonic

An apple pie is a pie in which the principal filling ingredient is apples. The earliest printed recipe is from England. Apple pie is often served with whipped cream, ice cream, or cheddar cheese. It is generally double-crusted, with pastry both above and below the filling; the upper crust may be solid or latticed (woven of crosswise strips). The bottom crust may be baked separately to prevent it from getting soggy. Deep-dish apple pie often has a top crust only. Tarte Tatin is baked with the crust on top, but served with it on the bottom. Apple pie is an unofficial symbol of the United States and one of its signature comfort foods.

Classic apple pie are in high demand and have a soft texture, while ultrasonic technology is widely used to slice or cut food products which have a sticky, crumbly, delicate or soft structure. Ultrasonic (or sonic slicing) provides a quality of cut that cannot be achieved using traditional slicing methods on these types of products. The gentle Ultrasonic slicing action reduces product deformation and maintains product integrity, thus reducing yield loss and improving presentation and profitability. With over 25 years of experience using Ultrasonics to cut food, Cheersonic have a wealth of expertise in not only providing a superb cut quality but also in ensuring that the handling of the product pre and post cutting to maximise yield and reduce waste.

Classic Apple Pie Cut - Pizza Cutting Machine - Cheersonic

Do you want to test cut your apple pie? Contact Cheersonic to schedule a demonstration either in your bakery or at one of our facilities.